Everyday America
Remember when you used to be able to pick up “the other line” and listen in on private conversations? Yeah, it’s like that, but without the other line...and it’s totally legit! Everyday America is a podcast where you’ll get to listen in on your friends, neighbors and fellow Americans as they tell the personal stories that mean the most to them. As a producer I’ve spent my career telling stories. From TV pilots to news, from corporate executives to sports figures and celebrities, I have interviewed and told the stories of countless individuals. My name is Gregory King and I'm the host of Everyday America. Join me each week, and hear the personal stories of your neighbors, your friends, and your fellow Americans as you listen in on Everyday America. What's your story? New episodes every Thursday at 10am! Contact me at everydayamericapodcast@gmail.com.
Everyday America
021 Jon Nakamatsu - Concert Pianist
Gregory King/Jon Nakamatsu
Season 1
Episode 21
I met today’s American at a video shoot a few years ago at the quaint Trianon Theater in San Jose California. A beautiful little theater built in 1923.
Jon Nakamatsu talks about what it means to follow your heart and to listen to your own voice and why he was he drawn to the piano. Where did the desire come from? What did he have to give up to be successful? The lessons are the same for each of us. Jon’s passion for music and the piano is singular, and I think you’ll enjoy hearing what goes though the mind of a concert pianist while on stage performing.
You can check out his music and more of his story at http://www.jonnakamatsu.com/