Everyday America
Remember when you used to be able to pick up “the other line” and listen in on private conversations? Yeah, it’s like that, but without the other line...and it’s totally legit! Everyday America is a podcast where you’ll get to listen in on your friends, neighbors and fellow Americans as they tell the personal stories that mean the most to them. As a producer I’ve spent my career telling stories. From TV pilots to news, from corporate executives to sports figures and celebrities, I have interviewed and told the stories of countless individuals. My name is Gregory King and I'm the host of Everyday America. Join me each week, and hear the personal stories of your neighbors, your friends, and your fellow Americans as you listen in on Everyday America. What's your story? New episodes every Thursday at 10am! Contact me at everydayamericapodcast@gmail.com.
Podcasting since 2020 • 26 episodes
Everyday America
Latest Episodes
026 Nils Lindstrom - Success By Design
I met today’s American a few years back in connection with an animation project for AmEx. Nils put together a great piece and we’ve since gone on to work together numerous times, in fact, he designed the King Media Group logo. <...
Season 2
Episode 26

025 Waterway Interviews - Cole's Point, Virginia
Today we’re going to hear a story from what I call the waterway interviews. A few years ago I went on a documentary expedition in a small boat, from Norfolk to Boston up the Intercoastal waterway. The goal was to search for the Amer...
Season 1
Episode 25

024 John Hopper - Living in the How
Today’s guest reached out to me, (which by the way, I’d love to see more of you do)! As a nation we’re obsessed with New Year’s resolutions. Are we not? We go crazy with them even knowing that we’ll fail. It’s a...
Season 24

023 Follow The Star - A Living Nativity
Merry Christmas from the cast and crew of Everyday America!Today I share the soundtrack of a special living nativity, usually performed live each year for the last 22 years to audiences of thousands. To see the video that's servin...
Season 1
Episode 23