Everyday America

015 Burnie Burns - The Gaffer's Gaffer

Gregory King / Burnie Burns Season 1 Episode 15

I recently reconnected with today's American on Linked In.  I worked with Burnie some years back on, among other things, a car commercial, but have been following his career for some time.  Burnie is a gaffer... a lighting guy, and he has some great stories from the set, and an interesting story about a famous singer, but that’s not all there is to the story of Craig “Burnie” Burns.  He had a rough start, and if it weren’t for one special person, his story might have had a different ending.  What made the difference?  

Quotes to watch for:
"Eventually I was so incorrigible that I was actually kicked out of the state of Washington."

 "Learning new things never stops.  It’s not like I know all the things, I’m learning from people too.” 

“If you want to win...bet...on...your...self.”

Check out Burnie’s Apple Box and On Set Live on FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/Burniegrip

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