Everyday America
Everyday America
006 Romona Robinson - Beyond Racial Barriers
Romona Robinson – Beyond Racial Barriers
Romona is an award-winning journalist and television news personality in Cleveland. I heard part of her story at an awards banquet I produced and knew I had to share her story. She talks about being poor, being black in America, and what it took for her to survive and thrive in an industry that was not always welcoming. Her ability to see ahead and never give up will inspire you, and make you realize that even hardship can make you stronger.
Quote to watch for: “My news director told me, ‘Romona, you can hightail it and run, or you can stay here, because I can tell you those idiots are just a small group of small-minded, hateful people and you will come across them anywhere in this country.’”
Just do a search for “Romona Robinson” for all kinds of links! You can also follow Romona on Twitter: @romonarobinson