Everyday America
Everyday America
005 Billy Lister - Paralympian Extraordinaire
Billy Lister – Paralympian Extraordinaire
I met Billy recently on a documentary shoot, and shot nearly two hours of footage of him before I knew there was something different about this speedster on a bike. Billy Lister has been down a long dark road, which he describes in this episode as “a dark room.” From a chilling medical revelation at 15, followed by a stroke at 17, he overcame the challenge to go to college and begin an over the top career on Wall Street, but his sense of loss led him down a dark path of self-destruction. What saved him? A bicycle. Billy Lister’s story may make you re-think what’s important to you.
Quote to watch for: “And all of a sudden I hear the words behind me from Roy saying, ‘I’m not holding on to you any longer Billy, you’re riding a bike on your own.’”
Check out these two, very fine organizations:
Challenged Athletes Foundation https://www.challengedathletes.org/
Bike for Humanity https://bikeforhumanity.com/