Everyday America

004 Nancy Caruso - Called to the Sea

August 13, 2020 Gregory King Season 1 Episode 4

Nancy Caruso – Called to the Sea

Since before she saw the ocean at the age of 10 she’d wanted to be a marine biologist.  Nancy talks about how she fell in love with the sea and what it takes to remain there as a steward of the environment and the animals that have no one else to speak for them.  She brought kelp forests back to Southern California and is now attempting to bring back the famous green abalone.  Her story will make you think about your own commitments to things you hold dear.

Quote to watch for:  “The value of the ocean is not realized, and that’s unfortunate, because we don’t protect things that we don’t value.

If you feel called to the sea and want to donate your time or funds, go to www.getinspiredinc.com  or write to kelplady@hotmail.com


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